It can be incredibly fun to take on new hobbies and interests, although the first investment into a hobby is always going to be one of the hardest. For example, if you find that you truly enjoy taking a mule and going out hiking or working in the plains or the mountains, then you will absolutely want to consider investing in the correct pack saddle needed to carry everything you will need. You have lots of other investments as well like food, and training just to mention a few. If you are interested in a blog about all the equipment needed to head out on the trail check out our packing essentials. However, once you get all of this done, all you will have left to do is to choose the pack saddle that will carry all of your belongings. The problem with this is that there are countless different saddles to choose from. To pick out the saddles that are going to be the best for you, there is a lot that you will want to consider and keep in mind.
Before you truly go searching for your mule pack saddle, you are going to want to do some research into packing and what you will need to make the most out of it. You will want to make sure you are choosing a pannier that is made from a material that can withstand potentially troublesome weather conditions. You will also want to make sure the pack is relatively easy to clean and maintain. Depending on how long you are going to be out in the wilderness, you will also need to make sure you are choosing a size that is appropriate for the amount of stuff that you are bringing. These are all important aspects to consider when choosing the right panniers for your mule. With that being said, here are some of the best packing saddles that you can choose from.
The sawbuck pack saddle has been around for a long time and will be here for the long haul. It has ancient origins. It has a simple design and has been time tested. You will not go wrong owning a sawbuck pack saddle. There is always going to be one pack saddle that shines above the rest, and in this scenario, this pack saddle is going to be the one that gets the job done. With a price that is within the middle of the range compared to other pack saddles, it is going to be one of the best pack saddles that you can get for general occasions.
Whether you tend to be a heavy packer or hitting the trail annually for hunting, you may want to consider investing in a pack saddle that is considered by some as the new and better pack saddle. This pack saddle is one that may have a higher price tag than most, but it also offers a lot more comfort for the mule on those long days. The decker pack saddle is a newer pack saddle that was originally used in Montana and Idaho. The decker pack saddle is said to be the best pack saddle by many.
Best Pack Saddle For Panniers
The best pack saddle for panniers is probably going to have to be the sawbuck. The sawbuck on top looks like an X and the pannier loops easily slip over the wood X. Its quick easy and no need to tie anything off just slip over and go on to the next task. The decker is a little more difficult when it comes to standard loops. You can purchase decker hooks that make the job easier but if the mule gets a little jumpy for one reason or another the decker hooks can come off. To prevent that you should tie them off which is an extra step.
The Best Pack Saddle for Bulk
The decker pack saddle can handle a little more weight than the sawbuck. It is also more versatile on what you are packing. The sawbuck is mainly for panniers, hard or soft. If you are trying to pack something else it is tough to find places to tie off. The Manty method is used primarily with the decker and has a wide variety of dimensions that can be used. The manty method is also a cheaper way to pack. To pack with this method you just need a set of manty tarps and some rope.
The purpose of breeching, commonly referred to as britchen, and a crupper is to keep the saddle from moving forward. Horses commonly have good withers to hold a saddle in place even when descending steep mountain trails. Mules commonly do not, of course all stock is different and need to be assessed on a case by case basis. A crupper is a small loop that is set just under the mule’s tail. It is made of a softer material and is attached to the back of the pack or riding saddle. A britchen is a strap of leather that lays behind the animal’s thighs and attaches to the saddle with two straps to the back of the saddle as well as two straps to the rigging.
The britchen will keep the saddle in place on a downhill stretch without hindering the animal’s gait. Most pack saddles will come with a britchen. The short answer is that most stock will take to either one with a break in period. You will want to saddle up and try whichever one you decide on before the trailhead. The trailhead is the last place for anything new.
This is just a scratch of the surface of pack saddles. There is no end to the debate of which is the best. I can easily answer which is best. The best pack saddle is the one you and your mule are most comfortable with using and have confidence in. The most important part of a good packing operation is a good pack mule. The next would be a good pack saddle that will last for the years to come. Hopefully this helped a little in picking out a quality pack saddle for your first adventure on the trial.
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The Sawbuck pack saddle was used by the fur trapper and the prospector, and played a large role in opening the American west.